Whilst few of us are into classic cars simply because of what they are worth, their value does matter, especially when making the investment, during ownership for insurance purposes and when we come to sell them.
In order to understand the value, there are few resources better than actual auction house sales, where we can categorically say what someone paid for a specific car with its specific history and condition.
The challenge is finding the results which are relevant to you from many different auction houses. This requires extensive searching and it may be difficult to track down a comparable result to the car you are interested in and which is recent enough to be relevant.
A number of organisations have set up services to address this challenge, but frequently these were abortive and those that have continued are either expensive, only serve part of the market, have limited data or have categorised the data in their way which made searching inflexible and has their own colouring or interpretation of the results. We felt there could be a different approach, presenting the complete data as it exists and putting the user in control of the search and which results they wish to see or not see.
For these reasons, at Classic Car Auction Results we set ourselves the challenge of developing a site which gave people a clear view of the results which can be searched in any way they want. For example, you may be interested in ‘Ford Capri’ or it may be more specific e.g. ‘Ford Capri Brooklands’ and we wanted people to be able to search across many auction houses for the specific vehicle that interests them.
So, we’ve begun our development of a set of tools which read data from the different sites we want to search and present it back in a clean and simple graphical form. Future plans include multinational auctions, online as well as live auctions, foreign currency conversion, the ability to monitor collections and much more.
We also welcome feedback and always appreciate input, please click here to take part in a quick survey.